Sunday, February 23, 2020

Letter to New Hires Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Letter to New Hires - Essay Example Our principles require that we work to create a healthy, viable Earth, in addition to a healthy, viable business, and in order to do so then we must risk change. Where once forests were abundant and lumber taken from them without regulation, our environment has changed and forestry work has demanded change, also. We take great pride in the fact that all three forests owned by Collins-Pennsylvania, Almanor, and Lakeview-have been independently certified by Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) in accordance with the principles and standards of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Preserving our environment in order that our children and grandchildren may enjoy the natural beauty of our forests is the foundation of the Collins Company. The 295,000 acres of timberlands owned by the company are biodiverse, multi-layered, canopied forests. Each forest is self-sustaining and includes more wood today than it did over a century ago. They contain habitats of bald eagles, black bears, wild turkeys, rubber boas, beavers, great blue heron rookeries and the endangered Goose Lake redband trout. They are enhanced by meadows, and various water features including springs, creeks, rivers, and lakes. These forest are naturally healthy with trees grown only from a combination of sunshine, water, and nutrients from fertile soil.

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