Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Teaching Through Exemplification Essay Topics

Teaching Through Exemplification Essay TopicsEssay topics for eLearning may be exceedingly varied, and no two exemplification essays will ever be the same. However, there are certain topics that can be used to accomplish the necessary learning objectives in the eLearning process. Therefore, here are a few examples of exemplification essay topics you may consider.One of the best exemplification essay topics to use is a well-known football game between the Dallas Cowboys and the Kansas City Chiefs. In this example, your students will be able to gain a deeper understanding of the game and of how a team or individual handles adversity. The end result will also include some of the most powerful verbs and statements in the language, such as 'He overcame adversity and won.' Emphasize the 'and' at the end of the statement to complete the eLearning learning objective. In fact, you may even say, 'The 'and' did not lead to an 'or,' so instead of 'is' there must be a comma.'Another good exemplif ication essay topic is, 'The American Civil War was one of the most important battles in American history. President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated while trying to end the war.' Use the 'and' for this example to complete the sentence. A concluding statement might be something like, 'Without the intervention of the President, the Union Army would have been unable to achieve victory and a critical national policy would have been put into jeopardy.'Essence of the business world is a common form of eLearning. In this example, you would want to use a topic that is of value to everyone. In this case, the business world is a niche market that offers many opportunities. Even though it is a niche market, the creation of value is key. This eLearning lesson would include the statement, 'The creation of value is at the heart of all successful businesses.'In a small town in Texas, Tom stood on the corner selling a dime store. He had a storefront and a sign, but he wanted more. That's when he n oticed a car go by. He smiled and waved at the driver, who stopped his car to ask what the good ole' Tom had to sell. Tom told him about his sales pitch and said that if he bought his first item he would give him a dollar.A truck driver stopped Tom in the middle of the street and gave him ten dollars. They chatted about his day, about being a truck driver, and even talked about their families. As they walked away, Tom hugged the truck driver and promised to come back again to make him some more money.This lesson will teach students about the price negotiation skill needed to be successful in the economy today. Then they will apply this skill to learn about the creation of value in the business world. Remember, all these examples are realistic. Students do not have to use any specific events to illustrate the lessons, however, they do need to be able to relate to the example by using some of the ideas mentioned.Essay topics for eLearning may be wide and varied, but they need to be re levant to the intended audience. Thus, you should use exemplification to help you define the appropriate learning objectives for your audience. With eLearning, you don't have to memorize lines from a script. Instead, you can use exemplification techniques to effectively communicate to your audience the information they need to know.

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