Thursday, December 19, 2019

Cosmetic Industry Analysis - 28098 Words

Introduction Global economy had experienced the worst recession in decades during 2008 till 2009 (Nouriel, 2009). Fear and panic were surrounded among people. During those days, the main headline of newspaper is about share market decreasing, industrial growth decreasing, and overall instability of the economy. Rumors are thick and flying, as a result, it create more fear among people and households about their savings and hard earned income. Most countries are affected by the recession, especially the developed country, United State (US). For example during May 2009, US housing sector had face a declined of sales, which was 79%, much more than from its peak in 2006 (74%) and became lowest in the history (Xinhua, January 21, 2010).†¦show more content†¦From a credit loss of $2.8 trillion in October 2009, US taxpayers alone spend $9.7 trillion in bailout packages and plans. Besides, $14.5 trillion of the value of world’s companies significantly wiped out by the financial crisis (Anup, 2009). 1.2 Implications of the Downturn to Various Economies or Countries Across the World? Around the world, stock markets have fallen, large financial institutions have collapsed and even governments have to come up with rescue planning to bail out their financial systems (referred Section 1.1, Figure 1). In this section, we are going to compare BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and Asia Four Tiger’s (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea) economy by presenting their GDP (Gross Domestic Product) real growth rate from year 2007 to 2009. Brazil is a emerging, large and well-developed in agricultural, mining, manufacturing and service sectors country. Brazil macroeconomic can to be said stable and steadily improved before the global financial crisis hit on it during September 2008. However, their consumers and investors are in good confidence with Brazil gradually increasing of GDP growth in the second quarter of 2009. Second, Russia had faced the hardest hit economy downturn by the 2008 to 2009 as oil prices goes up and large sum of foreign credits that made Russian banks and firms relied on dried up. Thirdly, India is a developing open market country, which capitalized on largeShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of the cosmetic industry1517 Words   |  5 PagesMid term prà ©cis and analysis of the cosmetic industry Prior to discussing any creative industry, it is crucial that we first define creativity . Creativity refers to the course of producing something original, or in the least, with original elements. Thus, a creative industry refers to economic activities that involve the creation of new, original materials. The cosmetic industry is one of such industries, of which will be analyzed according to Richard Caves economic properties. 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