Friday, December 27, 2019

Religion Beliefs And Religious Beliefs - 868 Words

Religion beliefs There are a lot of beliefs and religious thoughts that everyone believes in according to their religion. So, the world includes a lot of religions such as Catholic, Islam, Judaism, Taoism, Buddha but the most popular two religions are Islam and Catholic. Religion is a basic thing in a person life. Anyone in the world should follow what his family is following with religion, like my family they are Muslim, So, I should follow what my family is following but I have a friend his family are Jewish but he is Catholic because he read a lot of Catholic books and what is Christianity about and what is the truth about this religion. The general picture of religions is complicated picture, it’s complicated because every religion has its own book and the person who is following religion should be tied to the thoughts and beliefs of this book. I’m from Kuwait, Kuwait is a country in the Middle East and the Middle East is known with Islam. I’m a Muslim and as I said, each per son should follow his family religion but there are some people who read and trust in other religion than their family religion. I followed my family religion but I didn’t understand very well and I was only mimicking my father of what he is doing. I heard a lot of ideas and thoughts about my religion Islam and some of weird ideas they are making and at that time I was very young. They were a lot of stages that faced me when I was growing up in my religion life and they were tough stages and IShow MoreRelatedReligion And Religious Practices And Beliefs3179 Words   |  13 Pagesthe Muslim Faith Name University Course Tutor Date Introduction Discrete religion and religious practices and beliefs have existed in the world and formed the part of discourse in sociological and theological inquiry- universal religions (Kurtz, 2007). Each religious group or faction has its own practices, beliefs and view of the world and this is encapsulated in their liturgy. 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